01 novembre 2019

Pascale Frossard DIRECT LIVE

Pascale Frossard Nancy WebTV

Dimanche 3 Novembre à 16h
Sur le Plateau de l'émission présentée
par Jean-Jacques JANOT "JAZZ ON AIR"

Juste à allumer votre ordi et CLIQUEZ sur ce lien

Un Rendez Vous à ne pas manquer

Je serai en Quartet le Dimanche 3 Novembre à 16h
entourée de très bon Musiciens
Guitar : Georges Guy
Bass : Chris Nitard
Drums : André Azzoug
Pour un Concert Jazzy Blues Soul et Funk

02 décembre 2015

Pascale Frossard Newsletter


Incrivez vous à la Newsletter


08 mars 2015

Pascale Frossard Retour au Domaine de Beaupré

Pascale Frossard Retour au Domaine de Beaupré

Rendez vous le 31 mars au Domaine de Beaupré à Guebwiller pour un nouveau concert avec Pascale Frossard et son Trio « Entre Soul Jazz & Blues » .

Vous retrouverez Pascale Frossard au micro, Georges Guy à la guitare et Chris à la basse.
Dominique et William vous accueilleront des 19h30 pour ce concert en deux parties dans ce superbe endroit avec tout leur savoir faire et leur convivialité. l’ambiance de cette soirée sera entre Brunch et Jazz Soul et complètement dans l’esprit des clubs de Jazz comme le Blue Note à New York ou encore le Jazz Club Lionel Hampton à Paris.


Comme Pascale Frossard s’est déjà produite au Domaine de Beaupré

il y a tout juste une année elle nous dit Le son est très bon aussi , et je suis enchantée d’y retourner. C’est l’endroit idéal pour m’y produire en Trio avec ma musique Soul Jazz & Blues ou le public est vraiment à l’écoute ..


Pascale Frossard Retour au Domaine de Beaupré

Ou fut tourné le clip « Ma Solitude »… Ce clip sera en ligne en fin d’année à l’occasion de la sortie du nouveau CD « Lady J »..  « Ma Solitude » fait partie des 12 compos originales ou les textes sont écrits par Pascale Frossard et les musiques composées par Christophe Nitard.


Donc Pascale Frossard et son Trio vous attendent nombreux mardi 31 mars

pour ce nouveau concert qui viendra s’ajouter à une série depuis le début de cette année et aussi entre deux sessions de studio. De tous nouveaux titres Pour Pascale Frossard et son Trio seront présents dans ce programme bien construit entre standards et compos rodés entre scènes et enregistrements en studio
Réservations, contacts & infos sur le site du Domaine de Beaupré

28 septembre 2013

Pascale Frossard - Femme Animal With English Subtitles

WORLD MUSIC Decouvrez ou Redecouvrez le Clip
Pascale Frossard "Femme Animal"
Official Clip with English Subtitles
Vous pouvez laissez des coms sur Youtube
Et bien sur partager cette video avec vos amis

WORLD MUSIC Decouvrez ou Redecouvrez le Clip
Pascale Frossard "Femme Animal"
Official Clip with English Subtitles

10 janvier 2013

My Major Company, le revers peu reluisant de la médaille

My Major Company, le revers peu reluisant de la médaille  

Le Point.fr - Publié le 09/01/2013 à 14:26 - Modifié le 10/01/2013 à 09:55

La société du fils de Jean-Jacques Goldman promettait aux internautes de produire leurs artistes préférés. Derrière ce refrain, beaucoup de fausses notes. 

La promesse était pourtant belle : "My Major Company est lancé avec pour principe fondateur de découvrir les jeunes talents musicaux et de les faire accéder à une production professionnelle en permettant aux internautes d'investir dans la production d'un artiste." Et pourtant, ces derniers temps, MMC n'est plus cette rampe de lancement pour les artistes de demain. Le rôle d'un label est de parier sur des artistes en espérant leur réussite. My Major Company, lui, ne prend aucun risque, puisque l'artiste n'est produit qu'une fois 100 000 euros rassemblés grâce à la générosité des internautes.
Le label est ainsi payé quoi qu'il arrive, même en cas d'échec, et reverse une partie marginale de l'argent gagné aux investisseurs et à l'artiste. Ce n'est pas lui qui assume les risques, mais les fans du chanteur... Si toutes les parties engagées avaient un retour sur investissement conséquent, le modèle serait parfait. Malheureusement, les producteurs et les artistes se sentent bafoués.

Opacité des dépenses 
Pour les investisseurs, la première limite de MMC repose sur le délai de production : les internautes espèrent récupérer leur mise - voire un peu plus -, mais n'ont pas de connaissances artistiques ni d'expertise du milieu musical. Ils optent souvent pour des musiques qui ressemblent à celles qui inondent les ondes du moment. Or, le délai de production chez MMC est si long (jusqu'à 2 ans) qu'au moment où l'artiste arrive sur le marché il est souvent "has been".
Autre critique : le manque de transparence de l'entreprise sur les dépenses. "Actionnaires" d'un artiste, les producteurs en herbe devraient avoir accès aux comptes et bilans, or, MMC ne justifie aucune dépense et aucun budget. Victor Lugger, directeur financier de la société, l'a affirmé dans un e-mail envoyé à Adam Davis, l'un des artistes repérés par la maison : "Le label décide seul des dépenses et de façon unilatérale pour la production de l'album." Cette opacité dans les comptes jette le trouble quant au fait de savoir si les 100 000 euros sont bien dépensés de façon optimale pour développer la carrière d'un artiste. Dans certains cas, l'argent récolté sert à rémunérer des prête-noms et non à investir dans la promotion de l'album.

Colère des coproducteurs 
C'est le cas de Thierry de Cara, payé en tant que directeur artistique sur le projet d'Adam Davis abandonné juste avant Noël, sans qu'il ait participé à la préproduction de l'album. Adam Davis le déplore sur le site de MMC : "Le 19 octobre 2011, j'apprends complètement par hasard qu'il reçoit un salaire mensuel de la jauge depuis juillet 2011. En plus, quand on considère que Thierry n'a pas contribué à une seule note, un seul mot, une seule idée à mes titres...
In fine, les producteurs commencent à percevoir un retour sur investissement une fois les frais liés à la production de l'album remboursés, soit après 10 000 albums vendus. Or, seuls trois disques ont dépassé ce cap : ceux de Grégoire, Joyce Jonathan, Irma. Bref, les coproducteurs sont en colère et le font savoir ! Ils se sont associés pour créer un groupe Facebook "My major Company, tes producteurs sont en colère et ça va se savoir", regroupant plus de 800 membres, ainsi qu'un site web regroupant toutes les informations pour se retourner contre MMC (http://collectifprod.wix.com/prod1).

Les artistes maltraités 
Si vous êtes auteur-compositeur, MMC vous demande d'abandonner 100 % de vos droits d'éditions, sans avance éditoriale (hormis les droits moraux, très minoritaires). Pour faire simple, si votre chanson est diffusée en radio, en télé ou en boîte de nuit, aucun droit ne vous sera reversé. Et mieux vaut avoir des talents d'auteur-compositeur quand vous signez chez MMC, sinon vous risquez d'attendre de long mois avant d'entonner des chansons. La société ne compte pas d'auteurs dans son équipe. Du coup, comme beaucoup d'autres maisons, My Major Company demande à ses artistes de faire des albums de reprises...
Comme les producteurs, les artistes n'ont aucune visibilité sur les comptes, donc aucun retour sur les dépenses promo. Certains supputent que leur budget promotion sert à gonfler celui d'un autre chanteur qui aurait les faveurs de la direction. Hypothèse plus que probable, quand on voit que certains albums sont passés totalement inaperçus tandis que d'autres ont bénéficié de moyens énormes. Selon certaines sources, Grégoire aurait bénéficié des mêmes méthodes que Baptiste Giabiconi : MMC aurait acheté des milliers d'albums afin de lancer le buzz autour de l'artiste et du label. Aux dépens de qui ? Concrètement, 20 % des recettes nettes hors taxes encaissés par MMC sont reversées aux interprètes. Soit une rémunération inférieure à 2,5 % du chiffre d'affaires engendré par l'artiste. Pas cher payé !

MMC, la dictature ? 
Difficile de se libérer des griffes de MMC. Tout est fait pour vous décourager : intimidation, dénigrement, menaces, voire insultes. Certains ont été contraints de faire appel à la justice, comme Adam Davis, afin de se libérer des contrats et de racheter les pistes enregistrées. D'autres font appel à des managers externes afin de prendre la défense de leur dossier, comme Nathalie Beaton. Celle-ci a laissé un commentaire salé sur la société le 9 décembre 2012 : "Je dirais que les gérants du site n'ont peur de rien par inconscience totale. Un jour cela cessera, car ils tomberont face à des gens qui n'accepteront pas leur comportement incohérent et qui les mettront face à leur inconscience ! Ce n'est pas parce qu'on s'appelle Michael Goldman qu'on a le droit à tout, encore moins de mentir à des milliers de gens ! Je pense qu'un juge voit les choses de la même manière, n'est-ce pas ?"
Pour éviter que les contentieux ne se multiplient et que son image ne soit altérée, MMC fait désormais signer aux artistes une clause de confidentialité courant sur 18 mois. Cependant, dans de nombreux cas, les proches des artistes n'hésitent pas, eux, à divulguer des informations plutôt compromettantes sur les drôles de méthodes du label. Un dernier petit mensonge pour la route : selon Michael Goldman, le fils de Jean-Jacques et cofondateur de MMC, l'entreprise aurait levé près de 13 millions depuis sa création. Sauf qu'il s'agit là des sommes investies par les internautes sur le site ; y compris l'argent misé sur les artistes non produits, et donc ultérieurement remboursé.

L’équipe de My Major Company a refusé de nous répondre pour éclaircir le sujet.

Cet Article est un article du Journal "Le Point" que je republie sur mon Blog
Car il dénonce véritablement le gros malaise de la production musicale Française

02 janvier 2013



Merci de me faire partager vos impressions, vos critiques et autres commentaires en cliquant sur ce lien.



16 décembre 2012


Du swing, du jazz et de la voix. Continue de jouer juste pour notre plaisir

Visit Pascale Frossard's Site At
For More Music

12 décembre 2012



Pascale Frossard Singer Songwriter 
Beautiful French Voice Bluesy, Sultry, Deep and Husky Voice 
New CD 2010 'Juste Jouer" with a DVD 10 Clips
First CD 2006 "Clique & Clac"

06 décembre 2012

Pascale Frossard Boulevard du Jazz

Je serai dimanche 9 décembre de 21h à 23h  

L’invitée de Marie Jo pour son émission  
Boulevard du Jazz sur Radio Zénith 
En streaming via ce lien :  
Ou en FM sur 106.8 

Au programme Interview de moi-même 
par Marie Jo et diffusion de mes titres


PS : Marche à suivre Cliquer sur le lien pour écouter en streaming :
Et aller sur le profil de Marie Jo pour laisser commentaires et impressions
J’y serai aussi et j’interviendrai en direct pendant toute l’émission

01 décembre 2011

Concert Privé 3 Decembre 2011

Pascale Frossard
Concert Privé le 3 Decembre 2011


Restaurant du Golf
Route de Masevaux
90110 Rougemont le Chateau
0033 (0) 384 234 034
Seulement sur Reservation

31 mai 2011



A Big Good News... My Song "Juste Jouer" is chosen to represent France
in one the broadcasts from 'TV Cultura" in Brazil.
It's a series of documentaries about brazilian writers that went to some capitals of the world for a month to write a novel. One of these places was Paris and "Juste Jouer" will be the music for that episode. I'm very proud because I love this fabulous country full of art... I love Brazil.... I very thank you "Luiz Macedo" from Sao Paulo who has invited me for his project. The episode "Paris" will broadcast June, 16.

Here is the link to TV Cultura:
You can find the series under "TV", and "Sessão Independente" :
And here is the blog that the writers did during the trips:

28 mai 2011

PASCALE FROSSARD Biography (Singer, Songwriter)

Pascale Frossard was born in the East of France,
and grew up to the sounds of (Frank Sinatra, Mike Brant etc.) As a teenager, she bathed in the sounds of Earth Wind and Fire, Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross, Marvin Gaye as well as in the musical comedies and black and white American movies.

She then started writing songs, inspired by Boris Vian and Claude Nougaro, amongst others. At the same time, she started studying to become a nurse. At the age of 20, she met a musician who was her first love, both musically and emotionally. He helped her discover Jazz Fusion ( Miles Davis, Jaco, Dizzy, Al Jarreau etc ). She began showcasing her talents as a singer by jamming in various clubs. She uses this experience as a springboard, she found a number of gigs like backing vocalist and started writing for other singers. 2000 was the year that she really came into her own as a singer, she started writing her own lyrics for her songs inspired by the Soul Music, The Jazz-Funk and Latin music and at the same time, she started to get into Harmonies Jazz.

Pascale Frossard sings for the New Year 2000 with a Band of eight musicians, including Benny Ross "in Sax and works with the Singer Soul Rhythm & Blues" Kad ". For two years, she will perform with various musicians over meetings with Caribbean Guitarist "George Plezel" and also the guitarist "Eric Jean Mougin".

Pascale Frossard created her Band "Stella" in early 2002. She wrote lyrics on the compositions from the bassist "Christophe Nitard" and added on her program some cover songs of "Laura Fygi", "Nnenna Freelon", "Dave Matthews", "Robben Ford", "Carlos Santana" and some Jazz Standards. She got a subtil and delicious mix from Soul, Blues, Jazz et Latinos Music. The Pascale Frossard Band was : (Lead Vocal) -Remi Leclerc (Guitar) - Christophe Nitard (Bass) - Gerome Geney (Drums).

In late 2004, she met the Congolese guitarist Michael Mayetela who joins the group and with him she will explore the world of "Black Music" she already knew, but the meeting will enable it to carry more music in his style, Feeling more colorful. In a first time Pascale Frossard sings in Trio with Michel Mayetela on Guitar and Christophe Nitard on bass. She adds some songs of "George Benson", "Stevie Wonder", "Marvin Gayes", "Otis Reding", "Tina Turner", "Al Jarreau", and written lyrics on African music from Michel Mayetela. She adds to his style Soul Blues, Jazz and Latino Music. ... The World Music. She booked his trio for two years. Thanks to her demo CD "Cool Song" which she recorded in Solo in June 2004.

You can listened her deep sultry and husky voice who can fly up or down to the Feeling Soul, Latin Music, Blues & Jazz. Songwriter, she dressed with her words her Compos.

It’s at the same period that Pascale Frossard created her own stage costumes
and clothes, and she brought to her live performances a unique look. She will give a strong stage personality both very determined and sensual.
Pascale Frossard is a Lady who is between singer and songwriter, she finds inspiration in the writing of her lyrics and the creating her own stage clothes and dresses, inspired by the color from the rhythm of black American music, The time brings her a soothing image of sensuality and beauty. The Dance, the torpor, the light projectors will give gradually a sweet face and a body that sways to the rhythm of her feet. Feline, sensuous, captivating, she will captivate you. With her natural charm and Jazzy and with the feeling of her concerts parfumed of Soul , she will leave you alone at night with your dreams and your feelings. Latinas, attitude Funk, soul dancing, sweet melodies, with the verb, I present you Pascale Frossard

Pascale Frossard got her official website in April 2006 : http://www.pascalefrossard.com/

Pascale Frossard and her Trio will play in Clubs
, Concerts and Festivals during 2005. At the same time the drummer Gerome Geney will join the Trio

Pascale Frossard created in early 2006 her new band called "Pascale Frossard" :
Pascale Frossard (Lead Vocal), Michel Mayetela (Guitar), Christophe Nitard (Bass), Gerome Geney (Drums). Pascale and her musicians will record in August 2006 a new CD "Clique & Clac" which will release in October 2006. ... And She will have a shoot in May 2006 for her video clip "What Did" produced and directed by IP Production in collaboration with MB Production.

The CD "Clique & Clac" was released in October 2006
. Pascale Frossard and her musicians will promote it with many dates and she added to her band a keyboard player "Sebastien Troendle".

Pascale Frossard created her myspace too :

The CD will be noticed and acclaimed by an American label based in Miami USA
"Black Owl Music" :

Article from Poppa E for Black Owl Music
How can we do more .... To define an artist ..... Soul Jazz
Whether the present with an article published on his work written by journalists and musicians from the Black Music American tradition of Jazz and Soul.
This article is written by journalists at Black Owl Music, February 2007

Internationnal Jazz et Soul Sensation ... Pascale Frossard
By any stretch of imagination, “Clique & Clac” is an immediate masterpiece.
This album possess gorgeous melodies with lyrics that elevate this album from
being a run of the mill affair to one of those rare animals - a bonafide classic.
A note about the music - let the reviews not deter you. The music is very
Pascale-ish, in the best way possible, but there is something new here.
The standout here is “Mamy Blue”, the opening track. Wow. The harmonies
blend perfectly. The wonderful things about this record is that Pascale’s voice
is allowed to shine without the distraction of too much instrumentation.
“Amour Samba” is pure Brazilian jazz at its best.
My favorite little piece is other than the opener is “Chicken” - listen and
discover ! What makes me really happy about this album is the “Repeat Value”
it carries - I have already played it about six times through and through and it
just gets better on repeat listening.
Do yourself a favor and pick this up, just to discover where Internationnal music
is headed in general. This is a wonderful time for Internationnal music and for
Pascale Frossard, and it’s a testament to her growth and evolution that Pascale Frossard is the flagbearer for a new music generation.
E. for Black Owl Music

Pascale Frossard and his CD will be presented by the agency "Start Audio" based in Paris to Cannes at Midem 2007

In November 2006 . Pascale Frossard created the concept of his new show "Femme Animal" .... Rock Opéra musically orchestrated by two new CDs of original compositions "Juste Jouer" an album of 12 tracks (French Soul, Blues, Jazz Funk) with unpublished texts written in French by Pascale and "Femme Animal" an album of 12 tracks between ( World Music, Folk and Pop Latinos) with unpublished texts written in French by Pascale . The show consists of three acts or parts starting at the dawn of time traveling in time to finish our ages ... all styles of music fit perfectly all backed by sensuality, magic and stage presence from Pascale Frossard .... Finally, all the stage costumes are designed by Pascale ....

Article by Thierry Boillot
PASCALE FROSSARD sings "Femme Animal"
Mysterious, mystical, feline and sensual
"Imagine me ... Queen of Sheba. Half-woman, half-animal "... ..
Across this text from Pascale Frossard, the singer seems to rewrite the legend of Beauty and the Beast. Here the two are one. The concept of "Femme Animal" is used to define her new show. Check out the background music and Funky Soul Jazz
"One day, I found these few lines on the Queen of Sheba who described her as a Queen half- woman, half-animal," says Pascale. What a mystery .... I wanted to do across my show, a tribute to the beauty, sensuality. The mysteries and secrets of women through various eras. For me, it's like an invitation to travel in the country of the senses, dream and magic. So, In this Show, Pascale Frossard don't play only with her voice but with her whole body to reveal this animality hidden."
"The Femme Animal, will seek her origins in the deepest roots of the dawn of time, she continues. In the snake, she finds the parfum and enjoyment of the melodies of Arab countries ... In the panther, passion and groove of rhythms of North American ... In the bird, the wonder and color poems and songs of yesteryear... In the gazelle, the sensuality and the beauty of Jazz ballets...
In the wolf, the power and ferocity of the Rock guitar licks"
"Soul, Funk, Jazz and Blues are still gasoline that fuels the consuming passion from Pascale Frossard for the music and the stage. the stage that she finds again... Beware from the blow of claws of the beautiful"
Thierry Boillot

The opened of this show will take place in December 2006. In February 2007 a demo DVD will be recorded and a tour dates in Theaters and Festivals will take place from May 2007 to June 2008. The guitarist George Guy replace Michel Mayetela in the group from March 2007

At the same time the activity from Pascale Frossard and her musicians in recording studio is important because they record at the Downtown studio in Strasbourg in July 2007... They will record a part of her CD "Juste Jouer". And they will release a single called "Song for Misty" which will be in September 2007 on the air in 200 French Radios and especially in Playlist in the broadcast of Jean Cozy "Jardin Public" Radio Panik in Brussels, Belgium. This promotion is provided by the agency "Start Audio" based in Paris and which will present Pascale Frossard in Cannes at Midem 2008

In July August 2007 ... She shoots a video clip "Femme Animal" produced and directed by IP Production

Pascale Frossard also has re-recorded her version of "Georgia on my Mind"
with the American Bluesman "Poppa E". This version will be on line on the American Radios
At the KIAC Internet Radio Lemony-Fresh Jazz Standard:
At Radio And BOM .... The Blues Station:

At the Following of this good reception Pascale Frossard and Poppa E will collaborate on a CD project
and they will record in Duo some Blues & Jazz Standards. A Video shot live in Winter Park USA at Full Sail, Inc is also provided.
Dale E. Rock
Course Director,
Installation & Technologies Live Full Sail Artist Relations
Full Sail, Inc..
3300 University Blvd.
Winter Park, FL 32792

Pascale is also in touch and much appreciated by Bob Guthridge from Memphis .... Photographer of "BB King" ... .. Thanks to him, she met a great man and guitarist .... Mr Larry Carlton

In December 2007, Pascale and her musicians will return to the Downtown Studio in Strasbourg to finish to record the album "Juste Jouer" and the album "Femme Animal"
From October 2007 to December 2007, she will do 2 Video clips "Autumn Leaves" and "Chicken" produced and directed by IP Production

In April 2008. ... Black Owl Music, American Label at Miami USA will do a new release of the CD "Clique & Clac" from Pascale Frossard and gets a digital distribution by "CD Baby" in the USA

In July 2008. .... Pascale Frossard will record all her vocal parts at the Downtown Studio in Strasbourg and in October 2008 she will release a new Single called "Juste Jouer"
which will be on the air in 200 French Radios and especially in Playlist in the broadcast of Jean Cozy "Jardin Public" Radio Panik in Brussels, Belgium.
This promotion is provided by the agency "Start Audio" based in Paris and which will present Pascale Frossard in Cannes at Midem 2009
From August 2008 to October 2008, Pascale Frossard will make 3 Video clips "Hey Brother" - "Song for Misty" and "Les Yeux de l‘Ange" three songs from the album "Juste Jouer". The Clip "Les Yeux de l‘Ange" was filmed in the magnificent manor of the great Painter & Egyptologist "Patrice Louis"
Producer and director: IP Production in collaboration with the Videographer Myscheil

In November 2008. .... Pascale and her musicians will return to the Downtown Studio in Strasbourg to record a Song "Lueur d‘Espoir" (Ray of Hope) which will be a part of the compilation "International World Peace" produced by "Songweavers" based at the Empire State Building 350 5th Ave., New York, NY 10118, USA.
Pascale took the opportunity to record some standards like "Summertime" and "Ne Me Quitte Pas" Two Songs that will make their way and will be greatly appreciated

In December 2008. .... Pascale Frossard will be in concert at the Roger's Café to present her new CD "Juste Jouer". She will invite in guest the Trumpettist "Serge Haessler" great musician who brings his virtuosity to the group. "Serge Haessler" appears in the CD "Juste Jouer".

In January 2009 Release of the CD "International World Peace" produced by "Songweavers" Empire State Building 350 5th Ave., New York, NY 10118, USA.
Pascale Frossard has participated to this compilation with the Song "Lueur d‘Espoir" (Ray of Hope) which she has write the text in French.

In February 2009 Mix from the CD "Juste Jouer" by "Thomas Keller" Freelance Sound Engineer. Thomas Keller has been a great help because the first mix was provided in a Paris studio of renowned and should be finished in October 2008 and was completely bad.

In March 2009 Pascale Frossard collaborates for three Songs with the Twin Brothers
Van Passel Brothers Music - Belgium, Eddy Van Passel & Danny Van Passel are the composers from "You are not alone" made famous by "Michael Jackson"

In April 2009 Pascale and her musicians
will return to the Downtown Studio in Strasbourg to record the three songs of the Twin Brothers Van Passel - Van Passel Brothers Music - Belgium

In May 2009 Release of the CD "Juste Jouer" (LP 10 Tracks) in digital distribution on iTunes, Amazon, Fnac, Napster, Etc.

In May 2009 Congratulations from Lady Haig Rutan - Author
Very beautiful comment from Lady Haig Rutan for "Georgia on my mind"
I Received a very beautiful comment from Lady Haig Rutan - Author
For my version from "Georgia on My Mind"
Dear Pascale,
Georgia on my mind is YOURS!
I love how you made it your own with that haunting talent of yours, caught in the wonder
of a place I have never heard it go. I love Ray Charles but you put
a sexy twist and a savvy curve to it that has me smiling.
Grange Lady Haig Rutan - Author
Death of a Bebop Wife
Cadence Jazz Books

Interview MusicienBiz
PASCALE FROSSARD Between Groove, Jazz et Blues

In June 2009 - Pascale Frossard has had one Acoustic Show
and one interview on the show by Marc André "La vie est belle" on Radio Quartz FM 105 Monday June 22 at 18h
to Sombreffe Belgium
Pascale Frossard has had one Acoustic Show and one Interview in the show of Jean Cosy
"Jardin Public" on Radio Panik Tuesday June 23 to 18h in Brussels, Belgium
Pascale Frossard was also invited to perform as guest with "Poppa E and the E Band" for two concerts in Delray Beach Florida USA the June 20 and 21
Pascale couldn't make these concerts because she was in Belgium at the same time for two Radio Shows that were planned before

In July 2009 Pascale Frossard will make her Video clip "Juste Jouer" Title from the Album "Juste Jouer" . The clip will be shot on a blue background
Producer and director: IP Production in collaboration with the Videographer Myscheil based in Strasbourg

From August 2009 to October 2009 Editing of the Video Clip "Juste Jouer" and design for the Double Album "Juste Jouer" (1 CD 12 Tracks and a DVD 10 Clips) . Cover Design, DVD Menu, Book, Etc.

In November 2009 Pascale Frossard will do some concerts in the South of France. She will add into her Band a new drummer "Michael Santanastasio" excellent musician from New York, USA who came to live in the South of France

In January 2010 Release from the Double Album "Juste Jouer" (1 CD LP 12 Tracks and 1 DVD 10 Video Clips) .

From February 2010 to March 2010 Promo du Double Album « Juste Jouer »
Contact Press, Radio, TV, and concerts

In April 2010 Pascale Frossard Meets Jean Alain Roussel, producer, arranger, keyboard player who worked with Sting, The Police, Joe Cocker, Bob Marley, Celine Dion, Joan Armatrading, Cat Stevens, Jon Hendricks and many others. Creation from a collaboration and planning for the realisation of the next CD

In May 2010: Booking for the U.S. with "Doc Cody" based in Sacramento, contact mailing list and Jingle for the promotion of the Double Album "Juste Jouer" in California.

In June 2010 Pascale and her musicians will return to the Downtown Studio in Strasbourg
To record a series of jazz standards with plans to release a CD of Jazz & Blues

In July 2010 Pascale Frossard meets the painter "Jean Claude Bertrand"
They want make a project of Jazz and Voice Painting and a project for a big show

In August 2010 Pascale Frossard meets "Chris Birkett" and his new CD "Freedom"
Who will be a real discovery. Chris has contacted Pascale because he had a crush on her voice. The sharing, feeling and desire of collaboration on both sides was done spontaneously.
Chris Birkett is a great artist who has worked with Tony Visconti (producer of David Bowie), The Moody Blues, T-Rex, Rita Mitsouko, Sinead O'Connor, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Alison Moyet, Rufus Thomas, Etc.. Chris Birkett is a producer, singer, multi instrumentalist and sound engineer

20 mai 2011

Song For Misty Clip Officiel

Pascale Frossard - Song For Misty Clip Officiel

Juste pour partager une bonne nouvelle
J'ai plus de 10000 visites sur Youtube pour ma Video "Song For Misty"
Just to share a good news
I have more than 10000 visits in Youtube for my Video "Song For Misty"

Pascale Frossard - Song For Misty Clip Officiel
Pascale Frossard - Clip Officiel Song For Misty 1 des 10 Clips du DVD "Juste Jouer" en vente sur www.pascalefrossard.com Titre Magnifique... Voix sensuelle avec grave naturel

13 mars 2011

Pascale Frossard est N°1 sur Simple Booker

Je vous remercie tous car grace à vous Pascale Frossard est N°1 sur Simple Booker
Je vous tiens au courant et vous pouvez continuer à voter pour moi
Grosses Bises

Thank You to all
Pascale Frossard is N°1 on Simple Booker
I keep in touch with you and you can always vote for me

11 janvier 2011

Pascale Frossard - The Lady Wants To Know

There are one year ago I released my CD "Juste Jouer"...
Today I share with you this video....
It was the shooting for the Cover CD

Il y a un an, j'ai publié mon CD "Juste Jouer"
Aujourd'hui, je partage avec vous cette vidéo ....
Making Of the shooting pour la pochette du CD

02 janvier 2011

I Wish You Love - Pascale Frossard

"Que Reste t-il de nos amours"
I wish you Happy New Year 2011, Peace and Love
"I Wish You Love" By Pascale Frossard
Une video pour vous souhaiter une tres bonne année 2011 et tout l'amour que vous souhaitez... Prosperité, et Paix dans ce monde

30 octobre 2010

Pascale Frossard Photo Shoot by Erick Seban Meyer Part2

Pascale Frossard Event in Paris
Making Of from my Photo Shoot with Erick Seban Meyer

All the photos for you on my book

You can visit the good sites of Erick too

24 octobre 2010

Making Of Clip Hey Brother


Spectacle "Femme Animal"

Mise à jour de mon Book

2 Galeries sur mon Spectacle "Femme Animal"
Making Of et Shooting Photos Promo

21 octobre 2010

Pascale Frossard Photo Shoot by Erick Seban Meyer Part1

Pascale Frossard Making Of With Erick Seban Meyer Part1

Photo Shoot by Erick Seban Meyer Part1.
La chanteuse Pascale Frossard en Shooting en Studio à Paris
avec le grand photographe de mode Erick Seban Meyer


08 octobre 2010

Pascale Frossard en Live - Song For Misty

I share with you my version of my song "Song For Misty" in Live Concert
Beautiful song, I wear my gold dress and I have with me my favourite Trio
Guitar : Georges Guy, Bass : Chris Nitard and Drums : Gerome Geney
Check it out and thank you fo us too

26 août 2010

Ocean waves par Chris Birkett

Ocean waves par Chris Birkett


There are a couple of week I met Chris Birkett. It an incredible Singer and Artist
I listened his CD "Freedom" and I must say that "Freedom"
is one from the best CD that I listened since a long time.
All is very good... J'adooooooore

Please Check it out, Listen it and Buy it.....
It's very very very good

23 août 2010

Daddy Baladin Live Etupe (Pappa Was A Rolling Stone)

Pascale Frossard en Live Concert
Daddy Baladin (Pappa Was A Rolling Stone) Live Festival Erbasons
French Lyrics by Pascale Frossard

06 août 2010

Pascale Frossard Summertime at the Roger's Cafe

Pascale Frossard Summertime at the Roger's Cafe
Live Jazz Session with a beautiful Trumpet's Solo
With the sound of the club too
Pascale Frossard : Vocal
Serge Haessler : Trumpet
Georges Guy : Guitar
Chris Nitard : Bass
Gerome Geney : Drums